Executive Board

FLORENCE, KY; TAPA, Inc. Nov. 6, 2022.


The 21 Air Pilot's Association, Inc. (TAPA) Executive Board including the Board of Pilot Representatives (BPR) and Committee Chairman of TAPA met on Sunday, Nov. 6, at 1200 EDT in closed session to discuss Sec. 19.B of the 21Air, LLC Collective Bargaining Agreement (CBA).

HR Introduction

TAPA President Karl Seuring introduced Ms. Anup Khela, TAPA's HR representative via the teleconference to discuss Chief Pilot Capt. Anthony Tirri's recent comments about TAPA and TAPA leadership during his bi-weekly Chief Pilot conference calls.


TAPA President Seuring discussed various solutions for pilot conflicts and negotiations that were proposed and considered in the closed Executive session from TAPA attorneys & consultants. Seuring clarified no TAPA funds have been risked when defending pilot adverse actions at 21Air, LLC, since no TAPA dues had been collected and all cases are individually vetted by standardized procedures.

President Seuring then discussed the Management & Slander Fines (MSF) from the OSHA proffered settlement, emailed to Director of Operations, Capt. David Norgren. All MSF proceeds benefit TAPA’s Major Contingency & Family (MCF) help fund.


TAPA Vice President Tony Bless disclosed to the Executive Board his Oct. 28th disagreement with Chief Pilot Anthony Tirri that included a request for clarity on crew scheduling calls. A follow-up call with HR's Ximena Knittle and TAPA's HR consultant Anup Khela occurred and conflict was resolved. Both Tony Bless and I were on that call. Discussions are ongoing on how relations with the Chief Pilot Office (CPO) can improve.

A concern of the Executive Board is the Company ruse that not paying TAPA dues or Agency Shop fees is, somehow OK. It's like one teacher telling students "you don't need to do your homework" for another class.

As a TAPA non-member flying here, most pilots we spoke to don't realize that 21Air, LLC can legally "discharge" an unrepresented pilot for delinquent Agency Shop fees with "10-days of notice." See CBA Sec. 19.F.2 (p.89)

The Board cautions pilots to beware of the CPO word-plays and deception when 21Air, LLC discourages pilots to not pay TAPA dues or Agency Shop fees. Unfortunately, "deliquency" status means a non-paying pilot has no representation, no voting rights and no participation with TAPA Committees. Agency Shop fees allow 21Air, LLC pilots to fly under our current CBA language, but without a vote or any grievance protection. As we know, all pilots pay their "fair share" to work here, as the CBA requires.


The Executive Board members agree, TAPA's continued diplomatic solutions will be pursued with the Company to include the newly set outreach program for HR and pilot management. 21Air pilots are not required to be TAPA members to operate airplanes here. However, the TAPA dues or Agency Shop fee structure within our CBA is legally binding and set at the same rate. The Executive Board discussed various options for "fair share" and agreed to invoke Section 19 provisions of the CBA that TAPA's lawyers recommended.

The Board of Pilot Directors delegated CBA compliance and Agency Shop fee collection to our Florida law firm, Air Law Group and Attny. Jon Ewing. See Sec. 19 of our CBA on further details about Agency Shop fees and how these letters are sent.

HR Outreach

President Seuring then directed HR consultant, Ms. Anup Khela to reach out to HR manager, Ms. Ximena Knittel with TAPA's "gold standard" pre-meeting worksheet for TAPA-management meetings and disagreements. The Executive Board agreed the language of the CBA includes “alternate dispute resolution” in Sec. 16.G.1. After details of the recent encounter with Capt. Anthony Tirri were successfully resolved, Capt. Tony Bless continues to serve 21Air, LLC pilots in his role as TAPA Communications Committee Chairman.

Stay informed. Read your contract. Fly safely.

President Seuring closed by directing the TAPA Committee Chairmen to review the Delta Air Lines article on "bad MDs" and the consequences for FAA's "Steve Dickson" behind the 21air.org soft firewall. This closed session of the TAPA Executive Board meeting concluded at 1332 EDT, on Nov. 6, 2022.

Vbrgds, Karl Seuring, President

21 Air Pilot's Association, Inc.

206.669-8000 (m)

[email protected]


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